Our ultimate aim is to help you feel inspired, nourished and supported on your health journey. So to best meet your needs, there are a range of different treatment options available.
Acupuncture is a key part of Chinese Medicine, with origins that can be traced back over 3500 years. Treatment involves the use of very thin disposable stainless-steel needles (often as thin as a hair) inserted at specific points on the body. These points aren't only related to muscles, tendons, nerves or areas of pain, but also to channels or meridians that can move qi, energy and blood through the entire body. So a headache or nausea may be treated with a peripheral point in the foot or wrist that links back via a meridian to the main point of pain (patients often comment with amazement when a digestive related acupuncture point on the lower leg is stimulated and their stomach starts gurgling, or when a key point on the foot is used to help turn a breech baby).
As part of the Australian qualification in acupuncture over 300 acupuncture points are studied and a range of different types of acupuncture are learnt, including muscular skeletal acupuncture and traumatology (often confused with dry needling, but which unlike dry needling requires years of practical training and supervision before it can be used in clinic). There are also more gentle styles of treatment that are suitable for those with anxiety or for people who are very sensitive. Every treatment can always be tailored, and a good acupuncturist will always create an acupuncture session that is as unique as you are.
Tina currently offers the following acupuncture options:
General support (for the treatment of chronic or acute conditions)
Fertility focus (including IVF support)
Pregnancy and post-partum care
Facial acupuncture for TMJ problems, tight jaw, facial pain and tooth grinding.
There are now longer appointment options too.
Chinese Herbal Medicine - leaves, twigs, roots, shoots, flowers, berries, seeds and/or shells are used in combinations, in either dried "raw herb", granule, or pill form to help put you on track to better health. In clinic Tina uses mostly granulated herbs for the convenience of patients. No animal products (except shells) or endangered species are used, and many of the herbs can be used in cooking and taste delicious (click here to read more about herbs).
The seasons change around us, and as they do, so do our specific nutritional, nourishment and health needs. Learn how to eat intuitively for where you are at in this present moment. Help align yourself not only with the seasons and cycles of the Earth, but understand which foods will be most helpful and nutritious for you at different times, based on the 5 Element food system. Please note: this way of eating is gentle, body positive, culturally inclusive, and supportive of your body's nourishment needs. It is not about dieting, fasting or detoxifying. We don't see foods as "clean" or "dirty" but work with you to establish a healthy, pleasurable relationship with food and eating.
Living in harmony with Nature helps to promote health and longevity. It can also help us live a happier, more satisfying life. Learn how to balance your inner and outer environment by taking sleep, work, intimacy, exercise, breathing and emotions into consideration. Note: this is not a replacement for psychology or mental health support.
The study of planetary/seasonal influences, and the Five Elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood) on individual health and well-being is an important part of the core teachings of Chinese Medicine. Just as the moon and the planets can be useful for understanding what to plant in a garden and when, so too can the cosmos be looked at and listened to for practical tips on how to live a more healthy and fulfilling life. We will begin the session with a brief meditation and then work our way through the key stories in your star-chart from an Eastern and Western astrological perspective, looking at archetypes, patterns and themes as well as the elements or energies you are most aligned with, and what that might mean as you journey through life. Tina has over 20 years experience working with astrology, and draws on a combination of astrological, symbolic, psychological and mystical traditions in her readings. Sessions are also available for children, and can be done for a parent or care giver. Readings take place either face to face, over the phone, or via Zoom. They are between 60-180 mins in length. Please reach out for further info.
Mentoring related to the Eastern philosophy of healing (can include plant medicine, the 5 Element system, help with fine-tuning your acupuncture skills, improving palpation techniques, working with meridians, case study work or other topics as previously arranged).
Confused about what to book? Call for a free 10-15min phone consult: 0491 147 368.